We are Dubbo community members and business people, keen to promote the recreational localities and sustainable fishing potential within our district and where possible, improve recreational services.
Phone Matt Hansen (President) on 0427 454 357
Website link: www.iwra.com.au
What activities we do on or around the Macquarie River:
- The Lake Burrendong Classic Catch and Release fishing Comp at Easter every Year.
- Provide ongoing fingerling stocking and native fish release programs.
- Rejuvenation of riverbank habitats and waterways.
- Educational programs to promote sustainable best fishing practices with community groups and local schools.
- Work in conjunction with government authorities and fishing club organisations to provide constructive results.
- Promote our region and provide improvements to our local waterway and resources.
Why we love the river:
It is the lifeblood of our community, that more often then not is exploited by modern day life. With Native fish levels are 70-90% lower then when the country was settled by Europeans….. where will it stop?